


This is not an easy question to answer, but it is safe to say we have a remarkably 活跃的音乐生活在火博体育. 我们每年毕业15-18个专业,现在有14个 全职教师和超过24名兼职教师,加上三名伴奏人员. 火博体育 每年有40名学生开始音乐理论课程. 近200名学生参加 private lessons in a typical semester, nearly 100 students perform in the chorus, about 45 students perform alongside 25 professionals in the orchestra, and about 15 students perform in large jazz ensemble, while perhaps 30 are coached each semester 在五个小爵士乐团中的一个.


 这篇文章 about what 该院学者 have done when they graduated will give you some idea of 火博体育学位所能带来的丰富的可能性世界. (PDF)

Some majors go on to advanced study and careers in music; others use their broad liberal arts education, including their music major and perhaps a second major, to launch 他们在无数的职业中. 我们的校友都从事音乐表演 and performance teaching (both in classical music and jazz), in the recording and film industries, in concert and orchestra management, as professors of music theory 或者音乐学,音乐出版,音乐图书管理员. 我们的校友赢得了 advanced degrees from Yale, the New England Conservatory, the Eastman School of Music, NYU's Tisch School, Stanford, the University of Texas School of Music, the University 密歇根大学、密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校等. 

Our majors and 该院学者 who have not pursued careers in music are out in the world working as doctors, lawyers, teachers, financial analysts, psychologists, and 在更多的职业中.


No. 我们认为火博体育的B.A. 音乐专业完全嵌入了自由主义的结构 arts education, and Skidmore encourages students to keep an open mind about  their 直到他们在学校呆了几个学期,他们才会选择专业. 你不必这么做 audition to be a philosophy major and you don’t have to audition to be a music major.

我应该寄吗? a recording of my performances to the 音乐系 (or to 招生)?  
Strong classical performers applying to Skidmore generally enter the 该院学者hip 参赛并发送符合要求的录音. 其他学生 musical interests, such as jazz or composition, can send a short recording—just 10-15 minutes of your best playing or singing or composing is most useful—and music faculty 我会听的. 老师可能会直接联系你,或者给你一些意见 去招生办,或者两者都去. 


的 large ensembles include the 火博体育大学 Orchestra (students play alongside some of the best professionals of the Capital Region), the Skidmore Concert Band, 火博体育合唱团(超过100人的声音)和火博体育爵士乐团. 小,选择 合奏包括火博体育吉他合奏,室内乐合奏,小 爵士乐 乐团 (about 30 students participate each semester in five coached ensembles ),以及各种室内乐合奏,包括弦乐器、管乐器、铜管乐器和低音铜管乐器.

No. 所有的音乐课程,包括合奏,私人课程,和课堂课程 in music theory, musicology, composition, and music technology, are open to all Skidmore 学生,无论专业.  

大多数乐团都有试镜的要求. 一些合奏,如声乐室 合奏,或小爵士合奏,是相当有选择性的. 其他的,如大的 Chorus, are open without audition, although the students must sing for the director 以便放置到适当的部分.

乐团每年举办四场音乐会,每学期两场. 合唱团 爵士乐团通常在每学期结束时举行一场音乐会. 大多数 of the chamber ensembles perform one concert in the Helene 菲林 Ladd Concert 大厅 each semester, although there are opportunities to perform in other venues, such as 唐教学博物馆的佩恩室. 小型爵士乐团通常会表演 three concerts each semester, one at the historic Caffe Lena downtown, one at Falstaff’s 最后一个是在Helene 菲林 Ladd音乐厅.

每年12月,学生们都会参加一年一度的协奏曲比赛. 一个学生, and sometimes two, are chosen to perform a concerto movement or an aria or song in 管弦乐队春季音乐会之一.

Skidmore has numerous student-run performing groups, including several a cappella groups, a Cabaret Troupe that performs musical theater, the annual 援助s Benefit, among 其他学生组织的表演机会.


我们每年大约有20个专业毕业. 在任何时候,我们都有大约50个专业, 还有感兴趣的尚未选择专业的一年级学生.


No. 所有的音乐课程,包括合奏,私人课程,和课堂课程 in music theory, musicology, composition, and music technology, are open to all Skidmore 学生,无论专业. 有一个 额外的费用 私人课程. 然而, 课程奖学金 是否有空?是否有空 网上申请.

Our studio faculty includes six full-time Artists-in-Residence plus some twenty part-time instructors in voice, piano, all orchestral instruments, and some non-Western and 传统乐器,如小提琴和班卓琴. 大多数人都有他们的高级学位 performance area; those teaching orchestral instruments generally hold principal chairs in regional orchestras, including Albany, Schenectady, Glens Falls, the Mid-Hudson 还有乔治湖歌剧院管弦乐队.

Private lessons, whether taken for credit or as an audit, cost $780 for a semester 13节45分钟的课,13节1小时的课1040美元.

Students can apply to the 音乐系, on a per-semester basis, to receive full 或者通过部分辅导课 查尔斯·肯尼迪·弗里曼和劳拉·贝里尼音乐奖学金基金. 的 火博体育大学 financial aid awards are determined before students register for classes, so they cannot factor in whether or not a student will take private lessons.  

Students enrolled in private lessons can, with the recommendation of their teacher, 试演:进行完整的或共同的独奏. 的 性能手册 outlines all the policies regarding recitals, private lessons, the concerto competition, 和更多的.

对竖琴课程感兴趣? (请按此浏览更多资料)


Students can enroll in our big band ensemble or in one of about five small jazz ensembles 由我们的教师指导. 这个大乐队每学期开一次音乐会. 高级艺术家 协调小型爵士乐团. 每个sjs通常执行三次 semester, once in Falstaff’s, the on-campus student-run cabaret, once downtown at the historic Caffe Lena coffee shop, and once on stage in the Helen 菲林 Ladd Concert 大厅. 我们最好的学生乐团也在萨拉托加的俱乐部找到了一些工作.

绝对. 火博体育提供爵士钢琴、吉他、电吉他和立式钢琴的私人课程 bass, sax, trap-set and vibes, as well as private instruction in improvisation that 是否开放给其他乐器演奏家和校园学生歌舞表演.

是的,我们有爵士历史和爵士理论的高级研讨班. 偶尔, 我们提供与爵士乐有关的主题课程,其中包括高级课程 迈尔斯·戴维斯研讨会.

是的. 许多学习爵士乐的高年级学生经常把独奏会作为他们的高年级项目 展示他们的原创作品.


的 striking Arthur 赞克尔音乐中心 is located near the College's front entrance, where it serves as the gateway to campus, in which we present concerts by Skidmore students, faculty, and ensembles, as well as a roster of world renowned performers 谁会出现在菲林音乐会系列和Sterne Virtuoso系列中. 与约 54,000 square feet of teaching, practice, performance, and administrative space, the center is home to the vibrant activities of Skidmore's 音乐系 as well as an important teaching and performance venue for the College's Special 程序s division, 是谁赞助了众多的暑期学院. 赞克尔特色海伦·菲琳·拉德音乐会 大厅, a 600-seat acoustically tuned space and the more intimate 90-seat Elisabeth 卢斯·摩尔大厅. 它是为了纪念已故的金融家和慈善家亚瑟·赞克尔而命名的 谁是火博体育的受托人、家长和长期支持者.


菲林学者毕业后做什么? (PDF)