


火博体育学习期间,学生们通常会在他们的 智力和心理发展. 他们可能第一次坠入爱河, 与某个人、某件事或某项事业有关. 他们可能会经历失败 对他们来说,被拒绝的程度是前所未有的. 我们希望,他们会努力去理解 他们是谁,在这个看起来更复杂的世界里,对他们来说什么更重要 他们有没有意识到. 他们将搬到一个新的地方,结交新朋友,开始新的生活 对于他们自己和四年后,他们将被期望重复这一过程. 他们可能并不总是认识自己,他们的朋友和家人也不会. 所有 在这种变化中,挑战和动荡最终通常是一件好事.

Most college students make their way through these challenges and changes without 严重的事件. 然而,有些人更挣扎,更痛苦,需要帮助. 有 growing evidence that the incidence of serious mental illness on American college 校园越来越多. 越来越多的学生来到已经选修精神科的校园 medications, and 咨询中心s are reporting both an increased demand for services 学生症状的严重程度也在增加. 在火博体育,我们也不例外 这些国家的趋势. 在过去的11年里,我们经历了重大的 increase in both the number of students seen at the 咨询中心 and in the number 给那些学生提供的职位. 在2018-2019学年期间 over 600 students sought help at the 咨询中心 for difficulties ranging from trouble sleeping to roommate conflicts to anorexia, depression and bipolar disorder.


Faculty members, because of their close contact with students, are in a unique position 注意那些可能陷入困境和挣扎的学生. 表示兴趣 and concern from the right person at the right time can make all the difference in 世界. 在不同的阶段,大学应该是令人兴奋的、势不可挡的、充满挑战的 和压力. 理想情况下,压力与支持是平衡的,以教学的形式, 建议、友谊、指导和其他形式的帮助. 绝大多数的学生 with psychological difficulties will be able to have successful and productive academic 事业,适当的支持和干预. 我们提供以下指导方针 火博体育帮助学生:


  • 相信自己的直觉. If you experience a sense of unease or concern about a student, it is important to 注意你内心的信号.
  • 运用你的常识. You don't need to be able to officially diagnose someone with Major Depression to 要知道他们有麻烦了.
  • 仔细听. It takes time and close attention to determine that the student who comes in ostensibly to talk about changing their major also wants to talk about their sense of confusion 和/或在火博体育隔离. 有时重要的信息会随着时间的推移而出现 当学生开始了解并信任你时.
  • 干预宜早不宜迟. 人们很容易希望困难的局面会自行解决. 一些做的, 但根据我们的经验,早期干预更容易也更有效.
  • 了解自己的极限. 不同的教师在学生的生活中扮演着不同的角色. 作为一名教师, 顾问和导师并不意味着成为治疗师或看护人.
  • 与同事协商. As more college students appear to be suffering from more serious types of mental illnesses, they will present with more acute needs, more overwhelming symptoms and 更复杂的家庭和生活环境. 我们都需要支持和帮助才能工作 这些学生. 咨询中心鼓励并欢迎来电和联系 从教职员工那里了解他们关心的情况.


Any of the following signals would be reasonable grounds for suggesting to a student 他或她来咨询中心进行初步咨询. 心理辅导 中心位于琼森大厦一楼. 我们从星期一到星期一都营业 周五早上9点.m. 至中午及下午一时.m. 到下午4:30.m. 我们的服务是保密的 并且对所有在校生免费开放. 欢迎学生参加 致电(580-5555)或上门预约.

  • 紧急的问题. 紧急的问题 are mental health emergencies where you are worried about the student's 健康和安全或他人的健康和安全. 例子包括任何明显的威胁 对他人施暴,严重混乱,迷失方向或产生幻觉,还有 inability to take care of the basic tasks of daily life, such as eating and hygiene. Another clearly urgent situation is when a student expresses some intent to hurt him- 或者自己. 大多数(但不是全部)企图自杀的人会进行一些交流 火博体育他们在行动前的心理状态. 这些类型的通信可以从 直接威胁要自杀,“告别信”和赠送财产, 到模糊地说生命不值得活下去. 任何火博体育自杀的交流 或者自残的可能性应该被严肃对待. 而情况的类型 上面列出的是不常见的,它们确实需要立即干预.  你可以联系 在工作时间拨打5555给咨询中心打电话.  用于紧急情况 hours and on weekends, when the college is in session, please call 518-580-5555 and 按照提示访问适当的资源. 
  • 明显的行为变化. These types of changes might include withdrawal from a student who is typically very engaged in class, excessive tardiness, exaggerated emotional responses that are not appropriate in a classroom context or high levels of anxiety that interfere with academic 表演. 虽然压力偶尔干扰学生的生活是很正常的 academic life, if the interference stretches out over more than two weeks, or if it involves a dramatic drop in 表演 or presentation, intervention is definitely 保证. 你自己对一个学生的唠叨感,或者一种“某种东西”的感觉 “不完全正确”也是一个潜在的重要指标.
  • 个人沟通. Many students confide directly in faculty members, either in person or through journals 或者其他交流,他们处于痛苦和挣扎中. 其他类型的交流 are less direct, and might involve repeated requests for personal conferences, vague 描述或提及“个人问题”或自残的明显迹象 比如最近的削减. 根据你和个别学生的关系 context in which you interact, and your own philosophy and personal limits, you may choose to engage the student directly in a conversation about what is troubling 他们 or you may choose to simply suggest that they consult with the 咨询中心 to 获得额外支持.
  • 你觉得你的头. Different faculty members will have varying levels of comfort discussing more personal 学生问题. 然而,如果你发现自己在重复同样的谈话 and over again with a student, if you find yourself feeling stressed out or overwhelmed about the situation they are describing to you, if you feel angry or afraid of the student or if you find yourself wanting to adopt or rescue the student, you have probably 过度扩张的自己. 咨询中心的专业人员可以帮你分类 through the situation, determine what is most appropriate and helpful and consult 和你谈各种选择.


如果你与学生有接触,你认为可能会受益于专业 assistance, the following suggestions can make that conversation, or series of conversations, 尽可能高产.

  • 私下沟通. If you can, set aside time during office hours or after class to speak with a student. Doing so maximizes the chances that you will actually be able to help the student talk about what is most important and also communicates to the student that you take 他们的处境很严重.
  • 尽量不要拐弯抹角. 用简单直接的语言让学生知道你在担心什么 他们. 通常,列出您观察到的不同更改及其对系统的影响 学生的课堂表现是开始对话的好方法. 描述 the problems in behavioral terms will avoid sounding judgmental and it may mean the 学生将会减少防御,更容易接受. 很难争论或避免 事实. “我注意到你最近缺了很多课”或者“你已经停了。 contributing to class discussion" or "I wanted to talk with you about what you wrote 在你的最后一个日志条目中是潜在的好的开场白. 大多数不良 如果有人注意到他们,学生们会感到宽慰和感激.
  • 当有疑问时,倾听. Typically, in situations where individuals are suffering and struggling, it is tempting 急着安抚、建议、诊断或“解决”问题. 然而,通常是这样的 行为可能看起来不成熟、居高临下或不合适. 它通常更有帮助 to be a sympathetic sounding board, someone who can help a student discuss their situation 以成熟和深思熟虑的方式.
  • 了解一些火博体育咨询中心的情况. Giving students concrete information about our services makes accessing help easier. Many students can be hesitant about seeing a therapist, so your positive and matter-of-fact 态度可以帮助消除心理健康服务的污名化. 你可以告诉他们在哪里 we are located (first floor of Jonsson Tower) and that a high number of Skidmore students 使用我们的服务来解决各种困难. 咨询中心很方便, 免费,我们的服务是保密的. 我们不能分享信息 anyone, including information about whether a student has made an appointment with 我们,没有那个学生的允许. 我们通常可以看到学生需要一个完整的首字母 在他们最初来的几个工作日内预约. 我们还有 每天紧急预约,为那些处于危机中的学生. 如果你担心 about a student who you believe is in crisis, please call ahead and let us know that 学生可能会来看我们. 如果学生正在和我们的工作人员见面 members, we cannot share specific information with you about 他们 without their permission, 但我们欢迎您提供信息、关注和问题.