

特殊利益团体 allow students to select housing within our nine on-campus residence halls that focus on particular topics or themes. 这些社区包括 seven options that offer students the opportunity to extend their learning outside 在教室里.


Gardenside is a sustainability living learning community on the first floor of Wiecking 大厅. Residents are required to take a graded 1 credit corresponding “Gardenside 可持续性 Solutions” course, offered by the 可持续性 Office. 本课程旨在 cultivate an understanding of fundamental sustainability concepts (including community-based climate solutions), foster a sense of community among residents, and provide an opportunity 基于服务的体验式学习. 还有小型讲座和讨论 of academic readings, classes will include tours and hands-on “work days” in the North Woods, Community Garden, and on-campus compost site, as well as a service class in 萨拉托加社区. Students in this course will also examine building systems and personal behaviors with a sustainability lens as related to their 生活d experience 在宿舍和校园里. 一些额外的活动和事件可能是 offered during the year, such as sustainable crafts or a community meal.

In Fall 2024, 17 sophomores will be selected to join the community and the class will 每周三下午2:30-4:30提供. Gardenside residents must plan their schedules 以免与上课时间冲突.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 Gardenside网页 在可持续发展办公室的网站上.




The 全球社区 is a special-interest option designed for students who value 了解其他国家. This community is open to all students (domestic, 国际、留学校友等.),希望更多地了解全球 对学生的影响. The 全球社区 will be located on the 11th floor of 琼森塔.



The 多元文化的社会 is a special-interest option that will provide opportunities for students to learn about, and appreciate, the diverse backgrounds of their peers. This community is open to students of all racial and ethnic identities. 多元文化 community will be located on the 10th floor of 琼森塔.




The Prism Community is an affinity-based residential community for students who identify 在LGBTQ+群体中. Residents interact with one another through specifically targeted programming that celebrates the shared experiences of queerness and transness, and creates spaces for intentional connection and relationship building within identities. We strive to acknowledge intersectionality of identity and create a space where LGBTQ+ individuals can feel valued, safe, and in community with one another through intentional 编程工作. The Prism Community will be located on the 8th floor of 琼森北京同为r.



The 安静的楼 is a community that is designed to provide a quieter atmosphere than most residence halls in hope of providing an environment that meets the needs of students who need a quiet environment for their studies. 本楼层实行24小时安静 小时全年. Students who 生活 in this area who violate quiet hours may be asked 搬离社区. The 安静的楼 will be located on the fifth floor of 琼森塔.



The purpose of the 自由物质社会 is to support all students in their decision to not allow alcohol or other drugs to negatively affect the community in which they 生活. Further, the 自由物质社会 exists in order to provide students with a comfortable, safe, living environment free from the pressures associated with alcohol 和其他药物. This community is closely knit, as students share this common bond. Students who are in substance-abuse recovery programs are encouraged to apply. 性别 inclusive housing may be available based on the number of requests. 这种物质 免费社区将弥补豪一方的不足 Howe和Rounds大厅.

Students living within this community agree to three conditions:

  • Not to physically bring drugs and/or alcohol into this community
  • Not to enter this community under the influence of drugs and or alcohol
  • Not bring guests into this area who are under the effects of drugs and/or alcohol

If students who 生活 in this community are found to violate any of these conditions, 他们可能会被要求搬离社区. 


这种物质 Free - Quiet floor is located on the third floor of Howe 大厅 within the Substance-Free community and will observe 24-hour quiet hours in addition to the 其他无物质生活条件.



Keeping with our roots of initially being founded as a women's college, 火博体育大学 currently offers women's floors within our residence halls. 这些楼层提供 female students with an opportunity to 生活 in a floor community consisting exclusively 其他女性.

The 女性的地板 will be located on the 7th floor of 琼森塔.

The women's floors are open to all students who identify as women.

(Please know that due to limitations of software programs, students whose gender identity does not match their legal sex on record with the college will need to contact the Office of 住宅生活 directly to select this community).